
Too Warm Inside? How To Avoid Temperature Problems With Your Refrigerator

When it comes to your kitchen appliances, none of them work harder than your refrigerator. It's working for you around the clock. The last thing you need is for it to break down, especially during the holidays. One common problem that can really cause problems involves the temperature inside the refrigerator. If your refrigerator is not cold enough, your food will spoil. Here are four steps you can take to make sure that you don't have a problem with a warm refrigerator. Read More 

Common Causes Of House Fires You Must Look Out For

Your home needs an excellent fire alarm, from a company like Eastern Fire, so your family will know when it's time to evacuate. However, the best way to keep your family safe is to also take whatever steps necessary to make sure that you won't have to evacuate from a fire in the first place. This can be accomplished by reducing the risk of fires.  Compressed Gases Disinfectant sprays and aerosol cans can be very flammable. Read More 

A Guide To CMMS Software

Whether you run a maintenance business that services a school district, apartment complex, municipality, or any other type of customer base, it's important that you stay organized and are deliberate about the work that you do. In this regard, one of the best steps you can take is to utilize maintenance CMMS software. This is a tool that allows you to remain organized and on track with all of your maintenance jobs. Read More 

4 Reasons Why Gaming PCs Are Better Than Consoles

If you're a gamer and you are not relying on a gaming PC, you might be missing out. While technology in terms of consoles has skyrocketed, there are still certain edges that a PC easily delivers that a traditional console can't deliver upon. Here are some of the reasons why these systems are awesome. 1. Lower Cost Compared to traditional consoles, a gaming PC can help you play at a lower cost. Read More 

Using Your Alarm System To Prevent A Break-In While You Are On Vacation

Coming home from a fun and memorable vacation to find that your home has been broken into can be devastating. Not only do you end up feeling violated and unsafe in your own home, you must deal with law enforcement and your insurance agency to resolve the matter. Preventing a break-in from occurring in the first place will help you enjoy your vacation knowing that your home is protected. With just a few simple tweaks, your alarm system can become a valuable tool to help deter criminal activity while you are away. Read More